Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Millions of Families Will Pay $2,100 More in Annual Health Insurance Premiums Under Senate Bill

It's just so predictable.  There are hundreds of mechanisms to improve health care that wouldn't cost anyone a single cent.  But the Democrats don't want that.  All they want is a single payer system which will cost trillions.  Yes, trillions.  Some of it directly from government spending (your tax money), some through additional taxes and fees (your tax money) and still other money by taxing health care providers (thus a pass through tax to you).  Did you ever think that one of the reasons that Europe and others have a socialized system?  Even though it's a complete failure, they think they can afford to do it because the U.S. is funding their military budgets.  We spend over billions, so others don't really have to.  They have extra money to piss away on bad ideas.  We do NOT.
For millions of American families, the cost of health insurance premiums will increase $2,100 a year under the Democratic health care bill now being debated in the U.S. Senate.

That’s according to an analysis conducted by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and the staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation (JTO). 

The CBO-JCT analysis of Sen. Harry Reid’s bill found that people buying their own health insurance policies on government-run exchanges – as they will be required to do if they lack coverage through work -- will see their premiums increase by up to 13 percent in 2016, the year in which the Senate bill takes full effect.
What are these people really up to?

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