Monday, November 30, 2009

And the scare tactics and lies continue: Warming will ‘wipe out billions’

Even in light of the CRU Climategate furor, the Left will not slow down.  They want your money.  They want your children.  They will not stop.  You will be afraid.  You will listen.  BOO!!!  Booga Booga Booga!!!
MOST of the world’s population will be wiped out if political leaders fail to agree a method of stopping current rates of global warming, one of the UK’s most senior climate scientists has warned.

Professor Kevin Anderson, director of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change, believes only around 10 per cent of the planet’s population – around half a billion people – will survive if global temperatures rise by 4C.
Are you afraid yet?  HAND OVER YOUR WALLET!!!

Danish, Dutch Populist Parties Want Referendums On Minaret Ban

Move over have awakened much of the rest of Europe.  I don't know if the UK or France will have the balls, but it looks like the Danish and Dutch think it was a pretty good idea to ban minarets.  Maybe they'll argue that minarets change the architectural integrity of their cities.  But honestly, they're just terrified of watching their country completely change demographically before their eyes.

After all, Qaddafi let the cat out of the bag a few years ago when he admitted in a public speech that he believed that Islam was taking over Europe.  "Victory within a few years."

Russia building arms plants in Venezuela

What could go wrong?  Venezuela missile crisis anyone?  If Obama is unwilling to stop Iran... If he withdraws defensive missiles from Eastern Europe... If he throws Tibet under the bus... Do you really think that he will stop Russia and Venezuela?  Do you think he'll ask them politely at the UN?  Russia is now back to their old tricks.  And they couldn't have picked a better time.  Commander in Chicken.
Russia is building arms plants in Venezuela to produce AK-103 automatic rifles and cartridges and is finalizing contracts to send 53 military helicopters to the Andean nation, Moscow's envoy to Venezuela said Monday.


Obama meets Hu, says Tibet part of China

And...he doesn't meet with the Dalai Lama either.  UNDER THE BUS GOES TIBET!  This is the first time that any U.S. President has even suggested that Tibet is part of China.  Despicable.

I haven't seen a time yet when he hasn't done or said everything that the Communists, Dictators and Socialists would want.


There's an empty seat next to the Dalai Lama Mr. President.  Why don't you sit the fuck down?

Throw Pelosi out!

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) spent $2,993 in taxpayer money on flowers between June and October. What else do I need to say?  I'm so sick of this.  I'm on a budget.  I have a mortgage.  You've mortgaged our future.  Why won't Congress go on a ($&#(*# budget?!

Something Globally Rotten In The State of Denmark


President Obama is heading to Copenhagen, Denmark empty-handed as he tries to lead the world to a global warming solution without having accomplished any policy solutions in the U.S. With the recent exposure of emails indicating that the global warming books were cooked, the president ought to expect rough skies ahead.

White House - Gibbs Ignores ClimateGate

That's right. When the White House says that the debate is over, it's over.  Now shut up and do what we want. Cap and Trade is probably the least of it.

Gibbs truly doesn't understand that these 2,500 scientists are all part of the CRU and IPCC.  These IPCC members are appointed by various governments and there is an agenda.

Your government really doesn't like or respect you very much.  They really don't.

Impossible: CBO report predicts hike in insurance costs

Why don't we just trust that the government just do everything for me?  I trust them with my life.  And that's what people are actually asking them to do.
Individual insurance premiums would increase by an average of 10 percent or more, according to an analysis of the Senate healthcare bill.

AP: Iran 'Forced' to Build Illegal Nuke Sites

What media bias?  From Israeli National News Service:
Has the Associated Press begun doing public relations for the Iranian regime of Mahmud Ahmadinejad? The international news service ran a headline on Monday justifying Iran’s illegal construction of 10 nuclear enrichment plants. The headline read: Iran Forced to Build 10 Enrichment Plants, without revealing that the one who made the statement was none other than Iran's vice-president.

Eric Holder Won’t Investigate His Radical Friends at ACORN

Of course not.  He won't be able to get another job if ACORN doesn't fix the voting process and get his people "elected" into office.  How else can they appoint him?
Attorney General Eric Holder has made it abundantly clear he has absolutely no interest in investigating his radical friends at ACORN.

Holder’s Justice Department released a legal opinion last week that allows the Obama administration to ignore the will of Congress which has voted overwhelmingly to suspend federal funding of ACORN until at least Dec. 18. He’s also ignored the 88-page report on ACORN’s systemic corruption and flagrant racketeering activities that was issued this summer by Republican investigators on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

LA Times: Death penalty in 9/11 trials may be difficult

Do I really have to go into the details here?  Seriously, either Holder and Obama are stupid enough to think that our image will be tarnished in the world if we don't hold this joke of a trial, or they actually want these murderous animals to be released.  It's probably both.
Some legal experts say President Obama was overly confident when he predicted that critics of trying Mohammed in a federal courtroom in Manhattan would be silenced "when the death penalty is applied to him." The only modern-day terrorist sentenced to death in federal court was Oklahoma City bomber Timothy J. McVeigh.

"It will be an uphill battle to get a death penalty in these cases," said Paul Butler, a former federal prosecutor in New York. He helped win convictions for four acolytes of Osama bin Laden who plotted the 1998 simultaneous bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, which killed 224 people. Jurors in 2001 found the men guilty, but they were divided on the punishment. As a result, all four were sentenced to life in prison.


Religion of Peace in the Phillipines: Philippine Muslim Clan Tied to "gruesome massacre of civilians unequalled in recent history", Women Raped, Shot in Gentitals

Radical Muslims all over the world really don't like freedom.  And when you try to vote (or if you're a journalist), the ultimate display of such freedoms, they slaughter you like animals.  Actually, I don't know of anyone who killed an animal so barbarically. 
Gunmen ambushed a caravan of political supporters and journalists on their way to file election papers Monday, killing at least 21 people in a massacre considered shocking even for a region notorious for violence between rival clans.

Soldiers and police later found 21 bodies, including those of Mangudadatu's wife, Genalyn, and his two sisters, sprawled on the ground about three miles from where they were ambushed, military spokesman Lt. Col. Romeo Brawner said.

Harry Reid's version of Obama Care: Deficit killer

Even the Washington Post gets it.  The analysis shows how this version of "reform" will add significantly to the deficit.  Also fails to note the tricky little things that Reid has done by removing certain costs from this bill as not to have them impact the bottom line (As noted by [the author] ignores the “doctor fix” that eliminates cuts in federal reimbursements for Medicare.  .  Of course, these dollars will be stolen from the tax payers in separate legislation.  Whatt's only a few hundred billion dollars between friends?  Although, he's not my friend.
“The hope that health-care reform would take care of our budget problem has evaporated,” said Isabel Sawhill, a fiscal expert at the Brookings Institution.

Many budget experts also worry that lawmakers may not have the stomach to keep the new taxes and spending cuts intended to pay for the package. Republicans are already planning to offer an amendment to strike more than $400 billion in proposed Medicare cuts from the package, a move that would blow a huge hole in financing for the bill.

7 stories Obama doesn't want told

This is a nice summary from Politico's John Harris of the joke that goes by the name of Barack Hussien Obama.

The 7 stories are listed below.  I will add my synopses for those of you who don't have the energy to read the article which is only about 15 words longer.
  1. He thinks he’s playing with Monopoly money

    This moron hasn't even taken the MacroEconomic portion of Econ 101.  He has no idea about what the money supply is all about.  How a business works.  How government can spur on business versus crush it.  He believes that simply giving money to the less fortunate will cure the world's ills.  He needs to understand the old saying: “Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today.  Teach a man to fish; and you will not have to listen to his incessant whining about how hungry he is."

  2. Too much Leonard Nimoy

    He's emotionless.  No actually understanding for the day-to-day problems of people.  He's an academic, ivory tower egg-head (wannabe) - I say "wannabe" because it's pretty obvious that this dude ain't too swift.

  3. That’s the Chicago Way

    To get his way he'll leave a horse head in your bed.  That's how he got his competitors off the ballot in his state senate run, and that's how he plays the game in D.C.

  4. He’s a pushover

    Outside of his U.S. bullying tactics, he's a absolute pussy we he has to fight internationally or in an open forum.  He shrinks from the really important fights. 

  5. He sees America as another pleasant country on the U.N. roll call, somewhere between Albania and Zimbabwe

    He actually believes that the U.S. has more to be ashamed of than proud of.  He looks around the world and fails to see the brutality and lack of will to evolve of our friends and enemies, but only seems to see the problems at home.  He doesn't see American exceptionalism, mere that we are a country that should downplay its strength and ask the likes of the UN for permission to sneeze.  He has no concept of why people from every country in the world would risk their lives to live here.  He just doesn't get it.

  6. President Pelosi

    This insane woman actually gets what she wants done, done.  On a perverse level, it's commendable.  He balls (and I'm sure she has at least 4 from all of the radiation treatments to her face) are a lot larger than Mr. Michelle Obama's.

  7. He’s in love with the man in the mirror

    He cares more about image than substance.  We don't give a damn if you can shoot a basketball or play touch football on the White House lawn.  We want a man.  A strong man who can lead us.

Hezbollah Declares 'Permanent' War Against Israel

Has this bearded monkey (son of apes and pigs) even been following the news lately?  Doesn't he know he has an ally in the White House?
Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah lashed out against the U.S. and Israel on Monday while introducing his terrorist group's first political agenda in nearly a quarter century, Reuters reports.

"The [armed resistance] is a permanent national necessity that should last as long as the Israeli threat, and in the absence of a strong, stable state in Lebanon," he said from the 32-page document via a video link.

"[U.S. support for Israel] places the American administration in the position of the enemy of our nation and our peoples."

Breaking News: Additional Surprise WH Dinner Guests Revealed

Exclusive photos from TheNoseOnYourFace:

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Palestinian Authority Plans Siege of Judea and Samaria

Time for a 3rd Intifada.  Or as I like to call it, "Go tell your children to kill themselves festival".

I'm sure Obama has given this his tacit approval behind the scene.  These are his buddies after all.
The Palestinian Authority is planning to besiege Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria, according to recent reports in Arab media. A member of the central committee of PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah faction was quoted by Al-Arab on November 20th as saying that the movement decided during the 6th Fatah convention to ignite a third intifada in the area in response to "Israel's intransigence" and the failure of diplomatic talks.

And the Global Warming Scam continues. Damn the CRU emails

Enough!  Stop spending money on this charade.  It is NOT the UN's job to spend out money on this lie.  Now the UN wants $10 Billion from the "wealthy" countries and send it to the poor oceanic small and "poor" countries.  This is all a shell game to take your money and give it away under the guise of "Global Warming".  Put your white guilt away and do the right thing.  STOP THE INSANITY!
The money would help developing countries cope with ocean flooding, drought and other effects of climate change [which is NOT happening], while also helping them cut down on emissions of global-warming gases. The funds might eventually come from new sources, such as a tax on airline flights, but negotiators for now are seeking quicker infusions.

"Rich countries must put at least $10 billion a year on the table to kick-start immediate action up to 2012," the U.N. climate chief, Yvo de Boer, told reporters last week in a preview of the two-week conference opening next Monday in Copenhagen.

In Elections, Honduras Defeats Chávez (and Generelisimo Obama)

Sorry Obama.  You, Chavez, Morales, Zelaya and Ortega will not get your way.  Actual liberty and democracy win the day in Honduras.  And good for them!  Obama should be absolutely ashamed of himself.  Siding with the anti-Democratic Socialist bullies of Latin America against everything that America had previous stood for.  You, Mr. Obama, are an extreme embarrassment.  Good for the people of Honduras!!!

National Party candidate Porfirio Lobo was the favorite to win in pre-election polls. Yet the name of the victor is almost beside the point. The completion of these elections is a national triumph in itself and a win for all people who yearn for liberty.

 Update: Conservative Wins the Election!  Sorry, Obammunist!

ClimateGate Who's Who

For all of you corporate weenies out there who LOVE PowerPoint presentations...well do I have something for you!

A YouTube video of a PowerPoint presentation laying out all of the ClemateGate players and their lies.

This whole thing is just so satisfying.  I wonder if it feels anything like a free man being released from jail after being wrongly convicted of a felony.

Well, it feels pretty good.  Too bad every Libtard that I talk to is completely unaware of this entire story.  Wonder why.

Ooooh... Tough Talk: White House: Iran isolating itself with nuclear plans

In 20 or 30 years, they might get a letter of rebuke!

We are now the pussies of the world.
Presidential spokesman Robert Gibbs notes that the UN nuclear watchdog agency had censured Iran for failing to live up to its obligations under various UN resolutions.

Gibbs said that the Sunday report means that Iran is "choosing to isolate itself."
Ouch!  You go girl!

Oh No! Mr. Bill! "Global Warming Can Make Some Places Colder"

Talk about having it both ways!  This is so pathetic.  This specious argument makes his position irrefutable.  As it says at the end of this video... "WTF!!!"

How Hamas is Islamicizing Gaza

Can't be.  Can't be.  How could this happen?  The lovely thing is...these animals are winning elections in the West Bank too. 

Hello we come!  Lucky fuckers!  Here's some of the recent activity that the Left can feel great about.  Especially the lovely ladies.
  • A dress code for women on the street, in schools and in courts is enforced. Principals can expel female students who do not wear a head covering and wide dresses. Judges have been instructed not to hold sessions if female lawyers do not appear in Islamic garb. On official Hamas TV, Al-Aqsa, women announcers wear a veil, and Islamic content is increasingly featured in the programs.
  • Men may not swim in the ocean without a shirt, and female mannequins may not be exhibited in store windows.
  • Mixed-gender public ceremonies may not be held, and men may not teach in girls’ schools. Hamas is also trying to separate boys and girls in the UN-run schools. Fatah-identified teachers are being replaced by Hamas members.
  • Hamas police arrest immodestly clad women and enforce gender separation. Unmarried couples may not appear in public; married couples must be ready to produce a marriage certificate on demand.
  • Religious-studies classes have been added in schools, mosques and prisons. Prisoners who become more religious can have their sentences shortened.
  • An across-the-board 1% public sector pay cut was imposed during the summer months in order to pay for summer camps for reviewing the Koran. The pace of building mosques, medrasahs and Islamic sharia courts is being stepped up.
  • Hamas is working on establishing the Islamic National Bank and an Islamic insurance company.
  • The Bureau for Legal Counsel and Legislation is preparing a new criminal code based on Islamic law. In June 2009, for instance, the Legislative Council passed amendments to the code for the purpose of “preventing immoral incidents in public.”

Exit Polls: Swiss Ban Minarets, Muslim Extremism Feared

Even this Swiss, "The Neutral" ones are trying to halt the path to Eurabia.  Overwhelming standing together to stop the building of minarets with mosques.  Of course, the government opposed the ban (as suicidal Lefty governments will do).

Switzerland up in flames in 1, 2, 3...
Voters in Switzerland favored a national referendum vote Sunday to ban minarets on mosques, according to exit polls. Early indications are that both a majority of voters and majority of cantons backed the referendum proposal. Local media called the apparent prohibition a “slap in the face” to the government, which opposed the ban.

One of the arguments by those against the ban is that it will provoke Muslim extremism
, a religious boycott by wealthy Muslims, as well as Muslim protest violence. These are similar to the consequences two years ago after a Dutch cartoonist published a caricature of the Muslim prophet Mohammed with a bomb in his turban.

Climate change data dumped

Yup.  Now they're starting to admit that they lied.  I don't think that these fools truly understand the damage that they've done.  Not just to science, but to industry and personal freedoms (and taxes).

SCIENTISTS at the University of East Anglia (UEA) have admitted throwing away much of the raw temperature data on which their predictions of global warming are based.

It means that other academics are not able to check basic calculations said to show a long-term rise in temperature over the past 150 years.

Iran: 10 More Uranium Enrichment Facilities

Wait. Wait. Wait.  Are you sure you want to do this?  Obama might release a strongly worded rebuke.

Bibi...Destiny is calling!
Iran's government approved plans on Sunday to build 10 new uranium enrichment plants, according to state broadcaster IRIB. The new will be the same size as its main enrichment complex at Natanz and work would begin within two months. Location of five the plants has already been decided and Iran's Atomic Energy Organisation should find suitable locations for other five, according to the network. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has been quoted as saying Iran should aim to produce 250-300 tons of nuclear fuel a year.

The decision to build the plants is seen as a show of defiance that will aggravate tensions between the Islamic Republic and major powers seeking a diplomatic solution to a long-running dispute over Iranian nuclear work. It follows the International Atomic Energy Agency's criticism of the Tehran government over recent revelations of the facility located at Qom.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

The Competing Narratives of Barry and Sarah

From American Thinker by Jack Cashill, I have to say, this article is absolutely delicious.  I beg you to read it all.
The establishment will not be so kind to Palin. In the week of Going Rogue's release, the New York Times house conservative David Brooks will call her "a joke." Dick Cavett, the Norma Desmond of TV talk, will dismiss her as a "know-nothing." Ex-con Dem fundraiser Martha Stewart will brand Palin "a dangerous person." And literally thousands of lesser liberal lights will deride her as "stupid," an "idiot," or a "moron" (8.5 million Google hits and counting for "Palin" "moron").

In that same week, Chris Matthews was worrying out loud that Obama was "too darned intellectual," and author Michael Eric Dyson was celebrating Obama's "sexy brilliance." But while the Associated Press was sending a platoon of reporters to fact-check Palin's book, neither the AP nor any other media outlet dared check either Dreams or Audacity of Hope.

They likely feared what they would find -- namely that Obama's genius depends solely on his willingness to lie about it. "I've written two books," Obama told a crowd of teachers in Virginia last year. "I actually wrote them myself." He did no such thing. He had massive help with both books.

Although the prose of Dreams is often lyrical, it is not Obama's. As I have argued in these pages, and as Christopher Andersen has confirmed, Obama's gifted friend Bill Ayers gussied up the rough outlines of Obama's life and imposed upon them the mythic dimensions of Homer's Odyssey.
To accomplish this, the authors invented any number of incidents, many of which are easily disproved. For a serious seeker of facts, Dreams is Sutter Creek in 1848.

In Going Rogue, by contrast, Palin does not shy from crediting Lynn Vincent for "her indispensable help in getting the words on paper." And yet the story is told honestly and sincerely in Palin's voice. There is no artifice, no postmodern mumbo-jumbo, and not a sentence in the book that Palin could not have written herself. My personal favorite, "I love meat." I suspect that, unaided, journalism major and former reporter Palin is a better writer than Obama.

Left to their own devices, Palin is clearly the better speaker.
In Going Rogue's climactic moment, the unknown Palin serves up the most dazzling convention speech in modern political history, and she does so in spite of a malfunctioning teleprompter. "I knew the speech well enough that I didn't need it," writes Palin.

Had Obama's teleprompter malfunctioned at the 2004 convention, he would not be president. He has always depended on the eloquence of others. So thoroughly hooked on the teleprompter is Obama that the irrepressible Biden jokes about it. "What am I going to tell the president?" Biden asked the crowd at the Air Force Academy after a teleprompter blew over. "Tell him his teleprompter is broken? What will he do then?"

In the final analysis, Going Rogue is a better book than Dreams. No Republican has ever held Palin up as a genius, literary or otherwise, but her narrative is as shrewd, sensitive, and straightforward as its author.

How to order pizza after Obamacare is implemented

Krauthammer: Kill the Bills. Do Health Reform Right.

If it were only so simple, Charles.  Of course, he completely nails it.  This bill is a bloated disaster.  There is no need for it.  Small reforms, evaluated over time, can help a great deal.  And along the way, we don't destroy not only the best health care system in the world, but also the innovation that is the American contribution to most of technological and medicinal advancements worldwide.
The United States has the best health care in the world -- but because of its inefficiencies, also the most expensive. The fundamental problem with the 2,074-page Senate health-care bill (as with its 2,014-page House counterpart) is that it wildly compounds the complexity by adding hundreds of new provisions, regulations, mandates, committees and other arbitrary bureaucratic inventions.

Worse, they are packed into a monstrous package without any regard to each other. The only thing linking these changes -- such as the 118 new boards, commissions and programs -- is political expediency. Each must be able to garner just enough votes to pass. There is not even a pretense of a unifying vision or conceptual harmony.

The result is an overregulated, overbureaucratized system of surpassing arbitrariness and inefficiency. Throw a dart at the Senate tome:

-- You'll find mandates with financial penalties -- the amounts picked out of a hat.

-- You'll find insurance companies (which live and die by their actuarial skills) told exactly what weight to give risk factors, such as age. Currently insurance premiums for 20-somethings are about one-sixth the premiums for 60-somethings. The House bill dictates the young shall now pay at minimum one-half; the Senate bill, one-third -- numbers picked out of a hat.

-- You'll find sliding scales for health-insurance subsidies -- percentages picked out of a hat -- that will radically raise marginal income tax rates for middle-class recipients, among other crazy unintended consequences.

The bill is irredeemable. It should not only be defeated. It should be immolated, its ashes scattered over the Senate swimming pool.

Then do health care the right way -- one reform at a time, each simple and simplifying, aimed at reducing complexity, arbitrariness and inefficiency.

Could Climategate pull down some BBC conspirators? How honest is your local media provider?

If true, this is further evidence that the Main Stream Media has an agenda.  They censor the news that doesn't further their collective agenda.  You've seen it happen with Obama, the evisceration of anything George Bush, and you're seeing it happen over and over again with the myth that was Global Warming.'s all over now.  Find another Bogeyman.
One of [the BBC's] reporters has revealed he was sent some of the leaked emails from the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia more than a month ago – but did nothing about them.

Despite the explosive nature of some of the messages – which revealed apparent attempts by the CRU’s head, Professor Phil Jones, to destroy global temperature data rather than give it to scientists with opposing views – Paul Hudson failed to report the story.

This has led to suspicions that the scandal was ignored because it ran counter to what critics say is the BBC’s unquestioning acceptance in many of its programmes that man-made climate change is destroying the planet.

Interview of Timothy Ball on the CRU emails

An absolutely fascinating interview of Timothy Ball, a former University Professor, former head of the Friends of Science.  It's absolutely worth a listen.  He discusses how upset and disappointed he is in scientists who have obviously debased the nobility of the profession by manipulating scientific data to further a moral or social goal.  

So, when people say to you "Don't you believe in Global Warming?"  You can say, "Of course not.  Don't you believe in Science?"

The UN Kicks Out a Leading Critic

How dare she expose the hypocrisy and Antisemitism at One United Nations Plaza!!!
The United Nations security department briefly detained a leading UN critic, Anne Bayefsky earlier this month and then escorted her out of the building after stripping her of her accreditation pass. Ms. Bayefsky, who is affiliated with a UN-recognized non-governmental organization and is an accredited United Nations observer, also happens to be a human rights watchdog who for years has publicized the rank hypocrisy at the UN when it comes to dealing with Israel and its terrorist enemies.

ObamaCare’s Cost Could Top $6 Trillion: Cato Institute

Oh my.  This is pretty terrifying.  And...we start paying for it now, and don't see anything for until after the next presidential inauguration.  Well planned.
Congressional Democrats are using several budget gimmicks to disguise the cost of their health care overhaul, claiming the House and Senate bills would cost only (!) about $1 trillion over 10 years.  Now that critics have begun to correct for those budget gimmicks, supporters of ObamaCare are firing back.
When we correct for [those] gimmicks, counting both on- and off-budget costs over the first 10 years of implementation, the total cost of ObamaCare reaches — I’m so sorry about this — $6.25 trillion.  That’s not a precise estimate.  It’s just far closer to the truth than President Obama and congressional Democrats want the debate to be.

Nancy Pelosi: Too stupid to understand that she just admitted that she's a fool

Ultra-Left Speaker of the House, Nancy (I can't be voted out because I live amongst America-hating Communists) may need to start reading her own speeches because she just noticed that the policies that she's been pushing, like a waste of a $787 Billion "stimulus" package, was a complete boondoggle and hasn't done a damn thing.  In fact, things are worse off than before.
"The American people have an anger about the growth of the deficit because they're not getting anything for it. ... If somebody has the idea that the percentage of GDP of what our national debt is will go up a bit, but they will now -- and their neighbors and their children -- will have jobs, I think they could absorb that, and then we ride it out and bring money in," she said.

Deadly Russia Train Derailment Was Terrorist Attack, Officials Say

I think it was Buddhists.
A homemade chemical bomb planted on the tracks in an apparent act of terrorism derailed a high-speed train in Russia carrying hundreds of people Saturday, killing at least 26 and injuring scores more.

Cartoon Of The Day: The Global Warming 'Thermometer'

New Global Warming Thermometer (via WeaselZippers)

Tragically funny.

U.S. State Department Calls for Israel to Return to '67 Borders

The Left-leaning (being kind here) U.S. State Department responds to Bibi's generous offer to the ungrateful residents of the West Bank doesn't seem to be quite enough.  They want a return to the 1967 borders.  Why won't anyone discuss how and why things changed after 1967?  You know...Israel was attacked and it responding by kicking ass and taking names.  Thus securing its borders and helping Jewish residents in the West Bank (Judea and Samaria) live where they wanted to live.  Amazing how Jews are the only ones who aren't allowed to live in certain countries.  The only people for which that rule applies in the world.  Seems to me that there are over 1 million Arabs living in Israel.  Interesting. Also almost comical to think that there are those that actually believe that once Israel bends over, that the Arabs won't do what one does when someone bends over.
Today’s announcement by the Government of Israel helps move forward toward resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. We believe that through good-faith negotiations the parties can mutually agree on an outcome which ends the conflict and reconciles the Palestinian goal of an independent and viable state based on the 1967 lines, with agreed swaps, and the Israeli goal of a Jewish state with secure and recognized borders that reflect subsequent developments and meet Israeli security requirements. Let me say to all the people of the region and world: our commitment to achieving a solution with two states living side by side in peace and security is unwavering.

Cleric: Iran will produce own nuclear fuel if need be

Hard to believe.  You can't trust the Mullahs?  Seriously...time to make a mess to clean up a mess.
Day after IAEA adopts resolution demanding Iran halt construction of new uranium enrichment facility, hardliner Khatami says Islamic Republic will not be cowed by threats from its rights to nuclear technology. Lawmaker: We may consider withdrawing from Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty

Friday, November 27, 2009

Whatever Became of ACORN’s ‘Internal Investigation’?

On September 29th, when ACORN is under full public scrutiny in the aftermath of the undercover video sting, it announced with great fanfare that it was launching a thorough and independent  review of its operations. It named Scott Harshbarger, former Massachusetts Attorney General, to head up this review.

Mr. Harshbarger promised to release preliminary findings of his review at the end of October. Monday is the end of November and his preliminary findings don’t seem any closer to release.

NADA! Hard to believe.  At least Holder is going to allow Federal money to flow right on through...

Anatomy of a Green Scare: Consumer Reports or Distorts Facts About BPA?


Government and Lefties once again try to scare you away from drinking bottled water.  They just don't like plastic!

So, they concoct a story about the ills of a certain chemical called BPA (Bisphenol A).  Well, of course, there is ZERO proof that it's dangerous.  But why should that stop the fear mongers?
It’s a chemical that has been used in everyday plastic products like eyeglasses, medical equipment, bottles, and food can linings for over fifty years.  But the compound Bisphenol A (BPA) has been the target of scare campaigns over the last few years.  On one hand critics contend that BPA at low doses can affect endocrine systems and reproduction, and cause birth or developmental effects, as well as cancer.  On the other hand, a search of the literature finds no single case of illness or death related to BPA.

UK and France propose climate fund for poor

This is why those released emails and documents on the global warming hoax are so important.  To stop this nonsense.  There is NO money for this in either country.  Yet they are going to throw it away on a farce.  Pathetic.
UK PM Gordon Brown and French President Nicolas Sarkozy have proposed a multi-billion-dollar fund to help developing nations deal with climate change.

Mr Brown said the $10bn (£6bn) fund should also be used to help developing nations cut greenhouse gas emissions.

And just as a friendly reminder, here's and underwater meeting staged for propaganda purposes by the government of the Maldives to suggest that their country is sinking in order to get free foreign funds (see idiots above).  Well, it ain't sinking!!!

Goldstone: U.N. judge jailed 13-year-old for protesting apartheid

Remember that self-hating moron, Richard Goldstone of the now debunked Goldstone Report?

Well, seems as though this South African jag off was a fan of Apartheid too.  What a guy.  He should work for the UN.  Oh wait...
Richard Goldstone, the United Nations investigator whose controversial report recently accused Israel of war crimes, once sentenced a 13-year-old boy to prison for protesting South African apartheid.

The case was one of several of Goldstone's questionable and highly criticized rulings during some of apartheid South Africa's most violent years.

Goldstone served as a judge on South Africa's Transvaal Supreme Court from 1980 until he was appointed judge of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court in 1989 – all during South Africa's apartheid regime.

Obama appoints anti-Israel lobbyist to anti-Semitism post

J Street pick, Hannah Rosenthal, hints Jewish state to blame for hatred against its people:
President Obama's new anti-Semitism czar serves on the board of a controversial Israel-lobby group accused of working against the Jewish state, while her writings suggest Israel's policies are to blame for anti-Semitism. ...

Rosenthal, however, serves on the board of J Street, a lobby group that is mostly led by left-leaning Israelis and that receives funds from Arab and Muslim Americans....

Even the Israeli government has been distancing itself from J Street, with its ambassador to Washington, Michael Oren, refusing to attend its annual dinner last month. Israeli Embassy spokesman Yoni Peled told the Jerusalem Post his government has some "concern over certain [J Street] policies that could impair Israel's interests."

Behold the pre-meditated pose of a deep-thinking, self-hating Jew.  Sexy.

Christian girl, 16, gets 50 lashes for wearing 'indecent' knee-length skirt in Sudan

Tolerance for those who are not tolerant of you?  Not me.  Not me.
A 16-year-old Sudanese girl was lashed 50 times after a judge ruled her knee-length skirt was indecent, her family said today.

The mother of Christian teenager Silva Kashif said she is to sue police and the judge who imposed the sentence under Islamic shariah law.

Obama’s Science Czar John Holdren involved in unwinding “Climategate” scandal

(Commentary from By now you don't have to be a cynic not to be surprised that Chairman Zero's Science Czar John Holdren — a totalitarian leftist who believes in forced abortion and has suggested putting sterilants in our drinking water — is implicated in ClimateGate, which has revealed the global warming crisis to be not only a hoax but an active conspiracy to mislead the public. Since the media in our country is also neck deep in the scam, I refer to Canada Free Press:
Lift up a rock and another snake comes slithering out from the ongoing University of East Anglia Climate Research Unit (CRU) scandal, now riding as   “Climategate”.

Obama Science Czar John Holdren is directly involved in CRU’s unfolding Climategate scandal.  In fact, according to files released by a CEU hacker or whistleblower, Holdren is involved in what Canada Free Press (CFP) columnist Canadian climatologist Dr. Tim Ball terms “a truculent and nasty manner that provides a brief demonstration of his lack of understanding, commitment on faith and willingness to ridicule and bully people”.

And of course, Obama's Climate Czarina, Carol Browner refuses to acknowledge the overwhelming evidence, jams her head in the sand and keeps pushing forward at breakneck speed:
Ms. Browner initially shrugged when asked about the e-mails, saying she didn't have a reaction. But when a reporter followed up, she said she will stick with the consensus of the 2,500 climate scientists on the International Panel on Climate Change who concluded global warming is happening and is most likely being pushed by human actions.

Mental State Cited in 9/11 Case

Well done Holder and Obama.  Or as I like to call them: Hold-the-Obama.

Look what a civilian trial is going to give us.  Lawyers trying to declare their clients as unfit for trial.  Really...what could go wrong?
When five defendants are brought before a New York federal judge to face charges for the terror attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, the first question may be whether some of them are competent to stand trial at all.

Military lawyers for Ramzi Binalshibh, an accused organizer of the 9/11 plot, and Mustafa al-Hawsawi, the conspiracy's alleged paymaster, say their clients have mental disorders that make them unfit for trial, likely caused or exacerbated by years of harsh confinement in Central Intelligence Agency custody.

Karzai to Taliban: Lay Down Your Weapons

Sounds like Obama took over Afghanistan's foreign policy too.

Ignorance is not bliss.  It's actually suicide.
Afghan President Hamid Karzai called on the Taliban and other extremist groups Friday to lay down their weapons and participate in rebuilding the battered country, as part of reconciliation efforts he has said will be his main objective during his second term.

Air Force Strikes Northern Gaza Rocket Launchers

No mercy on terrorists!
The Spokesperson's Office of the Israel Defense Forces reported Friday morning that the Air Force, in coordination with the Shabak Israel Security Agency, attacked a terror cell in northern Gaza as it was preparing to launch a rocket at Israeli targets. The Air Force identified a hit.

According to the report, the IDF sees Hamas as responsible for maintaining the calm in southern Israeli communities and will respond sharply to all attempts to break it. Five mortar shells were fired at the Eshkol region on Thursday and landed next to the Gaza security fence.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Dear Congress: Are you INSANE?

One of the definitions of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting to get different results the next time.
  • The U.S. Postal Service was established in 1775 – you have had 234 years to get it right; it is broke.
  • Social Security was established in 1935 – you have had 74 years to get it right; it is broke.
  • Fannie Mae was established in 1938 – you have had 71 years to get it right; it is broke.
  • The “War on Poverty” started in 1964 – you have had 45 years to get it right; $1 trillion of our money is confiscated each year and transferred to “the poor”; it hasn’t worked and our entire country is broke.
  • Medicare and Medicaid were established in 1965 – you’ve had 44 years to get it right; they are broke.
  • Freddie Mac was established in 1970 – you have had 39 years to get it right; it is broke.
  • Trillions of dollars were spent in the massive political payoffs called TARP, the “Stimulus”, the Omnibus Appropriations Act of 2009… none show any signs of working, although ACORN appears to have found a new source: the American taxpayer.
  • And finally, to set a new record: “Cash for Clunkers” was established in 2009 and went broke in 2009! It took cars (that were the best some people could afford) and replaced them with high-priced and less-affordable cars, mostly Japanese. A good percentage of the profits went out of the country. And the American taxpayers take the hit for Congress’ generosity in burning three billion more of our dollars on failed experiments.
  • So with a perfect 100% failure rate and a record which proves that “services” you shove down our throats are failing faster and faster, you want Americans to believe you can be trusted with a government-run health care takeover system? 20% of our entire economy?

Obama demanding release of additional 1,000 terrorists

The nerve of this anti-Israeli mother $!*$@^#^!!!
In response to U.S. demands that Israel free an additional 1,000-some terrorists as a "gesture" to Palestinian Authority chief Mahmoud Abbas, Lieberman said that previous releases of Fatah terrorists "have not proven themselves. The Olmert administration did this several times and it did not work, and we do not plan to allow it to happen," Lieberman said.
Seriously... Name ONE thing this anti-Semite has asked Abbas, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Iran or Saudi Arabia to do.  

Can't tell you just how much this guy pisses me off.  Thankfully, Bibi is in power and he can act as a logical counter-balance.  Have you ever seen Obama so happy with an Israeli?  Of course not.

Climate 'czar' says hacked e-mails don't change anything

Does this article remind you of anything?

Anti-Muslim crimes drop again in 2008, anti-Jew/Christian crimes increased

From Creepeing Sharia:
Of the 1,732 victims of anti-religious hate crimes:
  • 66.1 percent were targeted because of an offender’s anti-Jewish bias.
  • 8.7 percent were victims of anti-Christian bias (5.1 percent anti-Catholic, 3.6 percent anti-Protestant).*
  • 7.5 percent were victims because of an anti-Islamic bias.
  • 0.8 percent were targeted because of an anti-Atheist/Agnostic bias.
  • 12.8 percent were victims because of a bias against other religions (anti-other religion).
  • 4.0 percent were victims because of a bias against groups of individuals of varying religions (anti-multiple religions, group).
Then some simple statistical analysis provides some very simple conclusions which will unfortunately not shut up those racist creeps over at CAIR:
  • Jews experience almost 10x the number of ‘hate’ crimes than do Muslims, increasing from 2007
  • Religions other than Judaism, Christianity, and Islam experienced almost 2x more ‘hate’ crimes than Muslims 
  • Anti-Jewish crimes increased 4.5% while anti-Christian crimes increased more than 11
  • Anti-Islam crimes decreased 8.7%, after dropping nearly 32% in 2007 from 2006 

Iran seizes Nobel winner Shirin Edabi’s medal

Meanwhile, in Iran, the Mullahs are keeping up their charm offensive.
Iran’s hardline regime has confiscated the Nobel peace medal and diploma of Shirin Ebadi, the human rights lawyer who is one of its most potent and outspoken critics. Her bank account has also been frozen on the pretext that she owes $410,000 in tax.

The seizure of the award, unprecedented in its108-year-old history, caused outrage in Olso where the Nobel peace committee is based.

 Rumors of the award being given to Obama are wildly exaggerated.

Lebanon agrees Hezbollah right to use arms against Israel


The UN yawns.  Obama looks in the mirror.  And Israel gets ready to kick some ass and get blamed for all the world's ills.
Lebanon's new cabinet has agreed on a policy statement that acknowledges Hezbollah's right to use its weapons against Israel, despite disagreement by some members of the ruling majority.

Ruh roh: NZ’s NIWA accused of CRU-style temperature faking

Talk about 'man made' global warming.  Another group of "scientists" outed.  The hits just keep on comin'.
The New Zealand Government's chief climate advisory unit NIWA is under fire for allegedly massaging raw climate data to show a global warming trend that wasn't there.

The scandal breaks as fears grow worldwide that corruption of climate science is not confined to just Britain's CRU climate research centre.

In New Zealand's case, the figures published on NIWA's [the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric research] website suggest a strong warming trend in New Zealand over the past century: